After your website is live, Web Developers Studio can continue to provide updates and maintenance on an hourly basis. We guarantee prompt availability for hosted clients, and have always done work for all previous clients on a reasonably timely basis.
If we set you up with a content management system you can update the site’s pages yourself. You can change your permanent content like your About page, or write “Dear Diary” blog posts. But all content management packages need periodic technical upgrades that we can perform for you in addition to any design tweaks you may want.
Many of our clients ask for blogs, but don’t realize the downsides. Writing a coherent, interesting blog post to well represent your company is a lot of work. It gets hard to remember the business benefits of regular posting when it’s another crumby chore.
And an stale blog is an eyesore and a detriment. A content management system is often not needed. A static site can well represent your organization if updates are anticipated only around quarterly or less. We understand our own creations from the ground up, and many of clients feel safer leaving updates to us.
For the website owner who wants to use updated content to stay in touch with clients, but can’t write a whole post at least every month, we recommend a simple Twitter feed on the static site. (140 characters every few days is often a good compromise. And if you’re just to busy to do that–or just can’t stand it–we recommend our ghost social service.)